Acne or pimples form when bacteria grow in a blocked follicle on the skin. There are different types of acnes. They range from mild to severely disfiguring ones and in most cases, a simple regimen of treatment will suffice but a severe attack of acne may require more prolonged treatment.

Acne Vulgaris, the most common type found, includes many kinds of pimples. Cysts, pustules, papules, whiteheads, blackheads and nodules are among the acne lesions commonly associated with this type.

Acne Rosacea resembles acne vulgaris and the two are often confused for one another. Rosacea mostly afflicts people who are above 30 years of age. It is found as a red rash on the chin, cheeks, nose and forehead. The redness is soon followed by skin blemishes, pimples and bumps.

Rosacea is more prevalent among women, and is often severe when found among men. If left untreated, it can cause swellings and growth of tissue, a condition called rhinophyma. The treatment for rosacea is different from acne and it is recommended that you consult a doctor who can determine if you are having acne vulgaris or rosacea.

Acne Conglobata is among the more severe forms of acne vulgaris and is commonly found among men. It occurs as large lesions which are sometimes interconnected with widespread instances of blackheads and can cause severe scarring and disfiguring of the skin. It is found on the thighs, upper arms, back, chest, buttocks and face.

The onset of acne conglobata is usually between 18-30 years and it may stay active for many years. Though it is sometimes resistant to treatment, aggressive and persistent treatment will control this acne.

Acne Fulminans normally afflicts young men and begins as an abrupt onset of acne conglobata. This acne is severely nodulocystic and often ulcerating. Extreme disfiguring and scarring of the skin is common with this type of acne. Sometimes, fever and joint pains may follow the onset of acne fulminans. It does not respond well to antibiotics and oral steroids are therefore normally prescribed.

Gram-Negative Folliculitis is a rare condition of acne formed by bacterial infection and characterized by cysts and pustules. It can also occur as a complication from long term usage of antibiotics for the treatment of acne vulgaris.

Pyoderma Faciale is a severe form of facial acne afflicting mostly women. The symptoms are sores, pustules and large, painful nodules which invariably leave the skin scarred. It begins rather abruptly and is usually confined to the face. It does not last for more than a year, but it is capable of severely damaging the skin within a very short time.

Acne Problem

Acne can also form if the skin suffers irritation or is too oily or as a result of poor diet and bowel movements. Diet plays an important role in acne formation. Hormones and genes are among the main causes of acne. Even though acne is not curable, it is very much treatable and acne problems arising from untreated acnes are wide and varied. There are a lot of products available to gently and effectively cleanse, exfoliate and eliminate the oil, dirt and bacteria that lead to clogged pores.


Rebalance excessive hormones by avoiding stress – one of the chief factors of the over production of hormones. Learn to relax more by using techniques like deep breathing, yoga and T’ai chi. Avoid caffeine which like stress, can stimulate hormone production. Exercise regularly. It rebalances hormones and reduces stress and controls acne problems


Acne problem can also be controlled by avoiding certain kind of food. Foods to avoid include dairy products like milk, cheese, cream, yoghurt, refined and cooked carbohydrates like flour, bread, rice crisps, cooked fats like fried food, hydrogenated oils, roasted nuts, beef, pork, chicken, lamb etc. These food products can lead to acidity and make the digestive system sluggish. If food travels slowly through the body, toxins build up and are expelled through the skin as acne.

Harsh skin care products

Most prescription drugs for acne use harsh drying methods on the skin. The problem is that the skin dries out too much causing the sebaceous glands to produce excess oil. This can lead to dead skin cells and blocked pores resulting in acne.


To prevent blocked pores, the skin needs to be hydrated from the inside. Plenty of water intake, fresh vegetables and fruits can solve this. This will also prevent the digestive system from becoming sluggish.


Yeast infections such as thrush (Candida Albicans) are also an added acne problem for some people. This can adversely affect the digestive system and bring about problems like constipation. Antibiotics and a diet that is high in sugar will aggravate these conditions. It is best that the following foods are avoided: Sugar, bread, beer, yeast extract, Soya sauce and mushrooms. If you’re on antibiotics, make sure you supplement your diet with a good quality probiotic.


Most acne problem can be taken care of by involving antibiotics which help destroy bacteria inside blocked skin pores, but they also destroy healthy bacteria that support digestion. If your digestion is sluggish, toxins build up and aggravate acne. The body also builds up tolerance to antibiotics which mean you’ll need larger doses. If you’re on antibiotics, make sure you take a probiotic supplement. Taking Aloe Vera juice can revitalize your digestive system.

Adult Acne

Among 25% men and 50% women have experienced acne problems some time in their lives. Adults can either develop acne or have a recurrence. It is not easy to cope with acne, no matter how old you are, and it can cause depression and social anxiety in an adult the same way it does to a teenager. It is commonly thought that the causes of adult acne may be rooted in hormones but the exact causes are unknown. You may have to check your hormone levels when you get treated for adult acne.

There are many products in the market for adult acne but benzoyl peroxide is still considered the best treatment. The treatment is the same as that of teen acne. You have to follow a procedure that keeps your skin clean while applying benzoyl peroxide. These treatment methods have brought about a satisfying degree of benefit.

Hormones are probable causes for the maturation of oil glands in our skin and acne. This is one reason why children don’t get acne. There are times in our lives when hormones become unbalanced and wreak havoc particularly during puberty, menopause or pregnancy.

Androgens, male hormones present in both men and women, can cause an outbreak of adult acne. The surplus oil created by the action of these hormones may clog hair follicles causing bacteria to thrive resulting in acne pimples and blemishes. Hormonal acne in women is due to the natural cycles women go through such as menopause, pregnancy and menstruation. Because of this, birth control pills, in small doses, can keep the hormones in check. Medical advice is always recommended before starting.

Adult acne is more common than you think. If you are an adult and troubled by an onset of acne, promptly consult your doctor. He or she may put you on a hormonal adult acne treatment that can help greatly. There are numerous message boards online, frequented by adult acne sufferers, which you can access more information.

Teen Acne

Eighty-five percent of individuals between the ages of 12 and 24 are affected by teen acne. As a result of the increased hormone production, it commonly begins during puberty. The primary hormone that affects acne by causing increased sebum production is Androgen (testosterone).

Teenagers invariably are those most anxious about their appearance. Teen acne tends to strike them most because, during this period the oil glands in the body start making more sebum (oil). Some people also have too many “sticky” skin cells.

It’s tough being a teen for a lot of reasons, and teen acne is a big one. No one likes going to school or beach with pimples. And, as many teens know, acne can cause problems that go beyond skin-deep, driving them to the edge of virtual depression. This will be all the more so since teen acnes can start hurting their self confidence, social life or even their school life.

It is not always the mental or emotional part, but also because acne can lead to permanent scarring, if it is not treated in time. It may seem like just a part of growing up, but acne should always be taken seriously. The oil-producing glands in the skin are over-stimulated in the body’s male hormones (present in both men and women).

The dead skin cells that are found near the skin surface also slow down their rate of shedding, and clog up the pores, from where sebum normally escapes. This then forms a blockage, and offers the perfect environment for acne bacteria, which normally live on the skin, to multiply. This leads to infection and inflammation – in short, spots. If the blockage doesn’t become infected, it remains a solid plug – a blackhead.

Now the question that arises is that how common teen acne is among the teenagers. According to the Acne Support Group, over 85 per cent of teenagers will develop some form of acne. There is no reason to feel worried during this period. Even famous people get spots. There are people who celebrate their beauty even as they suffer from acnes. People like Cameron Diaz and Calista Flock Hart are examples.

Back Acne

Acne or pimples form when bacteria grow in a blocked follicle on the skin. Many variations occur in the types of pimples/acne. They range from mild to severely disfiguring. In most cases, a simple regimen of treatment will suffice but a severe attack of acne may require a more aggressive treatment. Back acne is one which a little bit difficult to treat.

Back acne is harder to treat than facial acne. The skin on the back is tough with thousands of sebaceous glands that produce much oil. It is often severe with numerous nodules and cysts. In some cases, a mere topical treatment will not be sufficient. Glycolic acid must be added to the regimen of treatment.

The treatment for back acne is identical to the regular treatment with benzoyl peroxide except for the fact that there’s an addition of an 8-10% glycolic acid (alpha hydroxyl) lotion. Here’s how you go about doing the regimen for your back:

  1. Gently wash the affected area with a mild cleanser and let it dry.
  1. Apply alpha hydroxyl lotion and wait till it’s dry.
  1. Now apply benzoyl peroxide generously
  1. If required, apply moisturizer.

When talking about back acne, one can’t help mentioning back packs. Heavy back packs chafe the upper shoulders and back and can cause irritation. While you are treating your back acne, you might want to try a hand held bag for the first few weeks of treatment. Once you’re clear of acne, then you can go back to your back pack. If it breaks out again, you’ll know when to switch to a hand held bag.

Do not use this regimen on your face or neck. The skin on your face and neck may turn reddish. Only the tough skin of the body can tolerate the combination treatment. Use a regular treatment without alpha hydroxyl lotion for your face and neck. Don’t try the back acne regimen on your face or neck.

TIP: Benzoyl peroxide causes fabric to bleach. Keep this in mind when you treat your back. Wearing white clothes during treatment will help greatly.

Body Acne

Body acne can occur more commonly on the shoulders, chest, and back and sometimes, even in and around the buttock region. If the lesions are large and painful, it is usually a sign of severe acne. Benzoyl peroxide is commonly used to treat body acnes. Remember, it bleaches fabric and you need to take proper precautions as it involves your back, which is normally covered, unlike your face.

Body acne can be seen among both boys and girls and anywhere in their body. Since boys have more oily skin, it may be worse for them. Heredity plays an important role. You may have acne if your parents had it. Your body resistance is also a reason for having body acne.

Even after benzoyl peroxide dries up, it is still not safe to let that area come in contact with colored clothes for several hours. As with most cases of acne, the real cause of body acne is unknown. But, we really know that irritation can aggravate it. Tight purse straps and back packs can easily aggravate the condition of body acne.

Clothes that are tight fitting may cause irritation as well. It is not possible to keep areas of the back and buttocks uncovered, we all have to sit down some time. Do not worry about what irritates your skin. Go for a good treatment option always. If you get acne in a certain area of your body, it could even be a coincidence.

Acne on the neck must be treated very carefully. The neck is a highly sensitive area and you will want to start real slow when you begin treatment. Apply benzoyl peroxide only once a day and make sure you moisturize twice per day, or even more if needed. Your neck will get used to benzoyl peroxide slowly but may throw up a major irritation if you start too fast.

A simple topical treatment of the skin with a regimen for keeping the skin clear, will work wonders for both men and women. Numerous men and women have responded equally to topical treatment with benzoyl peroxide. So, finally it amounts to how well you care for your skin.

Proactive Acne

Through a collaborative effort of dermatologists, cosmetologists, naturopaths and chemists, a proactive acne treatment was developed. It resulted in a unique and revolutionary skin care move that not only treats the acne that you have but also prevents new acne from forming.

Proactive acne treatment helps to eliminate existing acne and prevents new acne from forming. The exposed ingredients are carefully selected to work synergistically with your skin. All exposed products work together to form an entire proactive acne solution suitable for all skin types.

Most teenagers and young adults suffer from acne. However, men and women in their 30s and 40s also suffer. A skin condition caused by over activity of the glands that secrete an oily substance known as sebum is called acne. As a result, blackheads, papules and pustules (pimples or zits) can occur on the face, where the greatest number of oil-producing “sebaceous” glands exists. Acne can also form on the back, chest and shoulder regions.

Acne can be a source of considerable emotional distress and can even lead to physical scarring. Exposed is a complete proactive acne solution that treats existing acne (papules and pustules) through a proprietary blend of medicines and extracts. Proactive acne solution also contains powerful additives to help prevent additional acne from forming and also keeps your skin clear and toned. Proactive is an effective treatment for acne.

The best and most potent medicines integrate exposed proactive acne treatment that science has to offer for the treatment and prevention of acne. These powerful agents, including Benzoyl Peroxide, Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Sepic are the powerful agents included in it.

It control and removes dead skin cells and kill acne causing bacteria, resulting in cleaner, clearer and more even-toned skin. It adds nature’s pure ingredients that not only keep your skin clean but also beautiful and young. It also includes powerful extracts from Helichrysum, Rooibos and Olive Leaf which will enhance your skin’s natural healing and reconstruction processes while calming any soreness you may have. Since pure hyaluronic acid is added it helps prevent scarring.

The main features of these proactive acne products are as follows:

  • It helps clearing existing acne
  • It prevents new acne from forming
  • It also evens skin tone
  • It reduces existing acne scars

Acne Scar

Most cases of acne last only through your adolescence but it can leave scars that may last a lifetime. Acne scars look like pits or craters. Proper treatment of acne will go a long way in reducing acne scars. Before you treat acne scars, your dermatologist will take your age, overall health and medical history. Then the severity and type of the acne scar will be determined, your tolerance for specific medications, procedures/therapies and finally, your preference.

Oil called “sebum” is secreted normally from hair follicles which travels up the tiny hair follicles to the skins pores where it lubricates and protects the skin. Sometimes, there are overworked oil glands which enlarge and produce too much sebum which can get trapped in the hair follicle. Thus the pores get clogged which are then either called blackheads or whiteheads. This will allow bacterial overgrowth of Propionibacterium acnes. In the surrounding skin, acne will be formed when these bacteria inflames the hair follicle.

Acne manifests in many different ways. Though they all look like cysts, they have distinct characteristics.


These are formed when a pore is completely blocked trapping bacteria, sebum and dead skin cells and forming a white protuberance on the surface. Some of them appear bulbous, but care should be taken not to pop these cysts as it may lead to bacterial infections.


These happen when a pore is partially blocked allowing some of the dead skin cells and sebum to flow out. The black colour is not an accumulation of dirt or grit but formed as a result of a reaction of melanin, a pigment in the skin, with oxygen. Blackheads do not clear as easily as whiteheads.


They are small, tender red bumps without a head. Don’t ever try to squeeze a papule because it will cause scarring.


They are similar to whiteheads but are more inflamed and appear as a red circle with a white or yellow center.


Nodular acne consists of cysts which are much larger and more painful and long lasting. Nodules are hard, large bumps forming under the surface of the skin. Acne scars are very common with nodules and you should not attempt to squeeze a nodule. It may cause trauma to the skin and the lesions may last longer.

Acne Prevention

Acne prevention can be brought about in many ways. Here are ten tips to prevent acne

Good Dieting

Include a variety of seeds, nuts, vegetables and fresh fruit in your diet to help acne prevention. An easy way to do this is to create creams and juices from fresh fruit and include one salad with your main meal every day. Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds are good for acne as they contain selenium and zinc which help in combating acne.

Plenty of Water

Drinking plenty of water every day can help in acne prevention. You can have at least two liters of mineral water every day. Healthy skin does not shed dead skin cells which can lead to clogged pores and acne.

Prebiotics and Probiotics

Antibiotics will destroy bacteria in your digestive system. This can cause digestive disorders and reduce the absorption of essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins which will invariably result in acnes. If you have been on an antibiotic treatment for acne, then you need to supplement it with a good quality probiotic to prevent acne. Prebiotics are food which re-establishes good bacteria in your intestines. Honey, onions, bananas and artichokes are good examples of prebiotics. Eating prebiotic foods with a regular intake of probiotic supplements will help in restoring levels of beneficial bacteria killed by antibiotics.


It is not possible to get all the vitamins, nutrients and minerals required to maintain, healthy skin and to prevent acne. We may be eating the right foods but because of factors like long-term antibiotic use, we may not absorb everything we need from our diet. Maca, Manuka Honey, Pure Synergy, Nature’s Living Super food, Vita Synergy for Men and Women etc are all supplements that can enhance our dietary supplements and help acne prevention.

Natural Products

Most skin care products contain chemical ingredients that can aggravate acne and using them will remove natural oils from the skin. This will lead to overproduction of sebum resulting in blocked pores and acne. Use fewer chemical products on your skin and give your skin a fair chance to heal itself and in acne prevention. If you are used to make-up, use products that are non-comedogenic (non-pore blocking).

Reduce Stress Levels

Beyond puberty, stress is one of the biggest factors responsible for acne. Keeping stress levels low can reduce the release of stress hormones and reduce the intensity of acne. Regular exercise, yoga, T’ai chi, meditation, relaxation techniques are all stress reducing practices which should become part of your regimen to help acne prevention.

Check Intake of Sugar and Refined Starch

Consuming refined carbohydrates and sugar leads to an increase in the levels of insulin and a growth factor called IGF-1. This causes production of excess male hormones which in turn causes the skin to excrete large amounts of sebum – a greasy substance which encourages the growth of bacteria responsible for acne.

Reduce Caffeine Intake

Caffeine can raise the levels of stress hormones in the body and can aggravate acne. Avoid all stimulant containing drinks like chocolate, tea and coffee.

Reduce Dairy and Red Meat Intake

Meat and dairy products give rise to acidic conditions in your system. Skin condition depends on the health of your internal organs. If your body encounters difficulty in digestion, waste products will be released through the skin as acne. Dairy and red meat contain hormones that can cause more acne. So to control acne, use alternatives to dairy products. White meat and fish can be good alternatives.

Lots of Fresh Air and Sunshine

Vitamin D is essential for a healthy skin and sunlight stimulates its formation in the body. Fresh air and sunshine will also reduce stress and increase the intake of oxygen to the skin. Too much sun is not good – a little bit of fresh air and sunshine, say, about ten minutes in the sun will do. Heavily tanned skin will lead to blocked pores.

Acne Skin Care

Clear existing lesions, stop new lesions from appearing, and reduce the psychological stress and embarrassment which may be caused by acne. According to the extent of severity the doctor will recommend the necessary medication and the remedies to help in acne skin care. Acne skin care treatments adopt two basic methods, one where the treatment is topical which is applied to the skin directly and the other that is systemic, which is internal.

Combinations of oral and topical medicines for acne skin care are advised by the doctor for acute cases. Topical medicines include acne treatment creams, lotions, solutions, or gels.. Wash the affected area twice a day carefully with mild soap. Do not use rough materials to wipe your face. Wash and clean your face as often as possible.

  • The facial cleanser which you select for acne skin care should be oil based. They should be mild and non-irritating.
  • Excess washing can cause irritation. Wash your face twice a day, both in the morning and evening.
  • Use your hands to wash your face. A washcloth may cause irritation to your skin. The act of washing must be considered as simply prepping your skin for medication, nothing more. There is absolutely no need to scrub during washing because washing itself does not clear breakouts since dirt does not cause acne.
  • Do not vigorously rub your skin to dry it. Rubbing the skin can cause irritation, and excess irritation can lead to more breakouts. So gently the pat dry your face.
  • Use shampoo on your hair regularly.
  • Keep hair off the shoulders and face and wash it regularly.
  • Avoid shaving as far as possible. While shaving, take care to avoid nicking pimples. Use fresh, clean blades to avoid infection.
  • Avoid using makeup or cosmetics in acne prone areas. If you have to, use hypoallergenic cosmetics that are fragrance free.
  • Don’t pick, pop, scratch or squeeze your pimples. This may lead to scarring and infections.
  • When using over-the-counter treatment for acne, start with the lowest strength and apply once a day after washing. It may take several weeks and never use more than 5% strength without consulting a dermatologist.

Treat Acne

Acnes are known to be caused by blocked skin pores. During puberty, male hormones known as androgen are found in both sexes. This hormone stimulates the production of sebaceous glands. Sebum, which is a natural lubricant secreted by the skin gets trapped in these blocked pores resulting in bacterial infection Acnes are not only a painful experience physically, but also mentally, since acnes can lead to disfigurement and scarring. Acnes are more prevalent among the teenage bracket.

It is most important that treatment methods be adopted to treat acne even at an early stage. If untreated the condition can lead to not only physical scarring, but also can affect the mental state of the person. Dejection and attitude problems can arise and a self inflicted stigma can give rise to serious mental depressions.

Advancement in this field has given rise to various procedures to treat acne. Herbal, Homeopathy, Allopathic and other alternate treatment methods are followed. They are determined by the health professional who determines the appropriate steps to be followed to treat acne for different persons.

Since acne is formed as a result of bacterial action, it is important that, we need extremely effective cleansing products to kill off the bacteria. Today, many kinds of cleansing products, such as antiseptic bath soaps, lotions and creams are available in the market. Generally, these products contain antifungal and antibacterial agents. Maintaining healthy skin can be an effective first step to treat acne.

It is important to keep your face well cleansed and free from dogging oils. Do not over cleanse the skin since it can only lead to stripping off its natural protective layer of oils. This can make things worse by encouraging the body to produce even more oil and leaving the skin without its natural protection from pollutants and bacteria.

Many ‘spot creams’ used to treat acne contain benzoyl peroxide and sulphur, antiseptics which effectively help control the growth of bacteria. Use all creams containing these substances carefully and with medical supervision. Herbal remedies now available in the market to treat acnes could always be a safer bet. Yoga, naturopathy, and homeopathy are effective remedies to counter the bane of acne.

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