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Cat Allergy

Do you sneeze the moment a cat walks into the room? Does your ankle itch after a cat has rubbed up against your skin? These are just two of the many common afflictions seen with presence of a cat allergy. A cat allergy can be frustrating and at times devastating.

A cat allergy can stem from a host of reasons. Some individuals are allergic to cat saliva. If a cat were to lick your wrist you might see a case of hives erupt. Another example is if you were to pet a cat that had just bathed himself. Cats often clean themselves by licking their entire body. The saliva from the cat is present on their hair. It is then transferred to your hand.

Moments later you notice your eye itches, so you rub it. You have just transferred the cat saliva to your eye. Within minutes your eye swells up as if someone had punched you in the eye. The more you rub it, the more it itches. It is a viscous cycle. Take some Benadryl immediately. The antihistamines will help to squelch your allergic reaction.

Cat hair and dander can also pose a problem to those with a cat allergy. Petting a cat transfers allergens to your hands and body. The obvious thing to do is not pet the cat. However, this will not always solve the problem. There may be cat hair and dander on the chair you sit in. Leaning and rubbing up against this hair can cause irritation and an allergic reaction as well.

It is important to have antihistamine medication on hand if you are going to near a cat. Some individuals may have an extreme cat allergy. This person should carry an epinephrine shot with them at all times in the event that they sink into anaphylactic shock. It is better to be safe then sorry when it comes to a cat allergy.

If you believe that you might suffer from a cat allergy then avoid a cat filled environment at all times. If you must be in an environment that contains a cat make sure to keep the environment clean to minimize the amount of cat dander. Consult your physician for further recommendations.

Dairy Allergy

Do you love to drink milk? Are you a big fan of cheese on your pizza? Have you enjoyed these foods in the past without stomach upset, but now when you have a glass of milk your stomach does flip flops? If you have trouble digesting milk or other dairy products that you may suffer from a dairy allergy.

What is a dairy allergy? Dairy includes milk, cheese, ice cream and similar products. These foods contain and enzyme known as lactase. Lactase helps to break down and digest the dairy products. Most individuals produce enough lactase naturally to help digest dairy products. However, individuals with a dairy allergy are not so lucky. These individuals do not produce enough lactase naturally.

What are symptoms of a dairy allergy? Common symptoms of a dairy allergy include bloating, gas, constipation, and loose stools. These generally occur within one to two hours after the dairy product has been consumed. A dairy allergy can cause stomach upset, nausea, and fatigue.

How do I know if I suffer from a dairy allergy? First, you can do tests at home on your own. Drink milk and check your body for any bloating, gas, or loose stools. Does your stomach hurt after you eat cheese? Do you have to run to the bathroom after eating ice cream? These could be signs that you have a dairy allergy.

The extent of a dairy allergy varies between individuals. For example, some individuals may experience only minor stomach upset from their dairy allergy. While others feel extremely bloated, nauseated, and have an intense upset stomach from their dairy allergy. If you experience extreme dairy allergy symptoms it is a good idea to visit your doctor. They can take your through allergy testing and provide treatment options.

How do I manage a dairy allergy? A dairy allergy can be managed through food choices and medications. If you are having trouble digesting cow milk then you can switch to soy milk or milk that contains lactase. The lactase in the milk fills in for the lactase that you are not producing naturally.

There are also medications on the market that can help relieve dairy allergy symptoms. Some medications can be taken before you eat dairy products such ice cream, while others are used after you have ingested dairy products.

A dairy allergy can be a bothersome, uncomfortable condition, but there are treatment options available. These tools will allow you to enjoy dairy once again.

Dog Allergy

You are visiting relatives that have a dog. You haven’t experienced allergies to dogs in the past so the thought of a dog allergy doesn’t even cross your mind. When you arrive their new German Bulldog tackles you with kisses which leave dog slobber all over your arm. You don’t notice at first until your arm feels itchy. You scratch at your arm thinking nothing of it.

Then it happens. Your relative points at your arm in shock. You look down to see several white and red puffy hives erupting all over your skin. You quickly realize that you do have a dog allergy. The exact spots where Fido left his slobber are covered in red, itchy hives.

In this type of situation a quick remedy to your dog allergy includes taking an antihistamine. Benadryl is an antihistamine medicine that can provide quick relief from a dog allergy. You are surprised that you have a dog allergy. However, your relative informs you that German Bulldogs have been known to cause a dog allergy in many people.

The composition of the German Bulldogs saliva contains substances that your body perceives as harmful. Your body’s reaction is to protect itself by pumping out histamines. These histamines can come in the form of hives, swelling of body parts, sneezing, and wheezing.

If you have an extreme pet allergy you will fall into a state of anaphylactic shock. Anaphylactic shock caused by a pet allergy can be distressing and even fatal. Your lips may tingle then swell. Your face may swell and your air passage may close up. You have trouble breathing as the air ways constrict. An epinephrine shot will help your body to ward off this type of shock.

Dog allergies are interesting in that you can be allergic to all types of dogs or only certain breeds. Many times you find this information out by experiencing allergic reactions. It might be beneficial to carry an antihistamine medication such as Benadryl with you at all times if you have had an allergic reaction in the past. If you are prone to anaphylactic shots from a dog allergy then it is vital to carry an epinephrine shot with you at all times.

A dog allergy can range from a nuisance to a fatal enemy. Consult your doctor about further dog allergy treatment options.

Dog Food Allergy

Does your dog constantly scratch at his face? Does he have a skin infection that is itchy and flaky? Does he have several bowel movements in day? If so, your dog may be suffering from a dog food allergy. A dog food allergy can affect dogs in several different ways from itchy skin infections to digestion issues. Either way a dog food allergy can be controlled.

What are the symptoms of a dog food allergy? Common symptoms your dog can experience when they have a dog food allergy include: itchy skin, hair loss, excessive scratching, ear infections, and hot spots. These symptoms are common in many other dog allergies besides a dog food allergy. Therefore, it is crucial that you make sure that your dog has a dog food allergy as opposed to an allergy to something else that has similar symptoms.

What other allergic conditions cause these symptoms? Your dog could be experiencing an allergic reaction to a flea bite, mange, intestinal parasites, yeast and bacterial infections can cause similar symptoms. Therefore, it is imperative that you make an appointment with your veterinarian to find the root of your dog’s symptoms.

If your veterinarian suspects a dog food allergy then they will conduct a food trial. The food trial consists of controlling exactly what your dog eats. Your dog will need to consume a prescription dog food that will test to see if he is suffering from a dog food allergy. A typical dog food trial normally lasts three months. If your dog’s skin and other allergic symptoms clear up then a removal of the old dog food is necessary.

It is useful to note that a dog food allergy can occur at any age. Your young puppy can show immediate signs of a dog food allergy. Or your senior dog may suddenly develop and allergy to the dog food they have eaten for years. A dog food allergy can pop up at anytime. Both male and female dogs are susceptible to a dog food allergy.

Identifying a dog food allergy is best handled by a veterinarian. A veterinarian can properly diagnose the cause of your dog’s allergies and arm you with the appropriate tools to help alleviate your dog’s allergies.

Dust Allergy

Dust allergies can be a persistent, intrusive allergy that crops up from an unpleasant cause. Dust allergies are caused by droppings of the miniscule dust mite. Dust mites are found in carpets, bedding, chairs, sofas, and similar items of furniture. The dust mite droppings become airborne irritants.

A person with a dust allergy inhales these irritants and has an allergic reaction. The allergic reaction includes sneezing, wheezing, and congestion. A dust allergy suffer can experience extremely itchy eyes, decreased hearing, and skin inflammations. This allergic reaction can be distressing leading to fatigue and frustration.

In someone with a dust allergy, their body perceives dust mite and dust mite droppings as a detrimental foreign substance. The body’s natural reaction to this perceived intrusion is to produce histamines. Histamines surface as the symptoms such as sneezing and itchy eyes. A dust allergy does not rise and fall with each season. It is a constant nuisance throughout the entire year instead.

What are some precautions you can take to fight against a dust allergy? The main idea is to remove a suitable environment for dust mites. Dust must mites love to burrow into bedding, carpet, and cushions. The environment is warm and provides a consistent food source for the dust mites to thrive on. Take that environment and food source away.

To help shed the plague of dust mites take the following precautions. Keep your bedding super clean. Wash your pillows and sheets in hot water with a great deal of detergent to squash the dust mites. Use a hypoallergenic mattress cover to provide a barrier against dust mites. Vacuum your carpets and mattresses weekly.

The key is to decrease dust in your home to prevent the dust mite from thriving. It takes effort to keep your house this clean, but is well worth it. Any dust allergy sufferer would gladly clean their house this thoroughly every week if it meant a reduction in itchy eyes and a runny nose.

If you take these cleaning precautions and still are dampened by a dust allergy then try an antihistamine for relief. Benadryl allergy is a great medication that has acts as a strong antihistamine.

Dust Mite Allergy

Have you ever heard of dust mites? Do you suffer from allergies? Are you not sure what causes your allergies? If these questions apply to you then you need to learn more about the dust mite allergy. You might well be a victim of the dust mite allergy.

What does a dust mite have to do with allergies? Dust mites are miniscule organisms that can big problems for allergy sufferers. Dust mites thrive in the carpets, furniture, and bedding in our homes. These are safe environments for dust mites because they are warm and provide plenty of food to keep the dust mite thriving.

The ease with which dust mites can live in our household can be disturbing, but it can also be minimized. A dust mite allergy arises from the droppings of dust mites. The dust mite droppings become airborne and we inhale them. If you reduce or eliminate the presence of dust mites and dust mite droppings, you will greatly reduce the effects of a dust mite allergy.

The first thing you should do to reduce dust mite infestation is to clean your carpeting, drapes, furniture, and bedding thoroughly. Spray a mist of water on curtains to prevent accumulations of dust. You can also vacuum carpets, couches, and seat cushions to thwart dust mites. These cleaning methods should become a weekly ritual for optimum results.

Next, take a look at your bedding. Dust mites live in mattresses and pillows. Therefore, it is necessary to create an impenetrable wall between the mattress and your sheets. Try allergy mattress covers. These hypoallergenic covers come in poly/cotton and vinyl varieties. They are great barriers against dust mites. Make sure to use allergy pillow casings as well.

Dust mites can be a nuisance, but they can be controlled. Once you reduce the amount of dust mites in your home, your dust mite allergy should become a thing of the past. You can rest easy and not have to worry about a runny nose or itchy eyes. The dust mites will be stuck in your mattress, away from a food source, and will eventually die. You can breathe easier once again.

Food Allergy

Food allergies are no laugh matter. A food allergy affects individuals on different levels and can be fatal. A food allergy is something that needs to be understood, addressed, and managed. Food allergies can be a deadly matter.

An individual can have a food allergy to a variety of different foods. The most common food allergies come from dairy products, eggs, nuts, and shellfish. When these foods are ingested or even come in contact with the body, they can cause allergic reactions. The allergic reactions of a food allergy can be minimized, but can attack an individual when they least expect it.

The symptoms of a food allergy can vary from individual to individual. The severity of symptoms of a food allergy also depends on the extent to which an individual has been exposed to a certain food. In some cases individuals have been known to have a food allergy to even just the aroma of the food. Peanut butter is a classic case. The smell of peanut butter and nuts can set some individuals into anaphylactic shock.

Typical symptoms of a food allergy include: gas, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, hives, sneezing, and wheezing. An individual can go into a state of anaphylactic shock in the case of a severe food allergy. This type of shock causes their air passages to close and body to parts to swell such as their lips and face.

This type of a reaction caused by a food allergy can be very distressing. It can also be very deadly. Therefore, it is important that individuals that have a known food allergy carry and epinephrine shot with them at all times. An epinephrine shot will relieve an anaphylactic shock episode by pumping epinephrine into the body.

It is important to read labels carefully if you have a food allergy. You can easily avoid eggs, nuts, shellfish, and dairy products. The tricky part comes when these ingredients are hidden in different food products. For example, food that is cooked in peanut oil can evoke an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is necessary to ask restaurants what ingredients they use in their cooking processes.

A food allergy is a common affliction that can be minimized by taking the right precautions. Understand the elements of what you are putting into your mouth and you should be able to avoid an allergic reaction.

Gluten Allergy

Food allergies are common. One such food allergy is a gluten allergy. A gluten allergy means that you are allergic to wheat. Gluten is a protein in the composition of wheat. A gluten allergy can produce several effects including: hay fever, asthma, skin conditions, and headaches.

The only way to completing avoid a gluten allergy is to not consume foods that contain wheat or gluten in any manner. This can prove difficult when wheat and gluten are present in several foods. Examples of foods that contain wheat and gluten include: breads, cookies, cakes, crackers cereals, and pasta. As you notice many of these products are processed foods.

Processed foods provide a real threat to a gluten allergy because the gluten can be hidden in the ingredients. The ingredients you should avoid include: whole wheat flour, gluten flour, bran, bulgur, durum, semolina, gluten, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, wheat germ, vegetable gum, and starch. This is only a sample of the ingredients that can cause a gluten allergy. There are many other gluten ingredients on the list.

It is also significant to determine the severity of your gluten allergy. Many people have a severe gluten allergy known as Celiac disease. Celiac disease is very often difficult diagnose because it has symptoms similar to that of many other conditions. Celiac disease involves the malfunctioning of your intestines. They don’t absorb nutrients properly.

Celiac disease symptoms include: fatigue, depression, irritability, bone pain, dental issues, bloating, and diarrhea. See your physician to determine if you have Celica disease or a less severe gluten allergy. Celiac disease can be confirmed with a blood test and a gluten-free diet trial. If you do not have Celiac disease your doctor can determine if you have a gluten allergy or another condition altogether.

If you have a hunch that you might have a gluten allergy then you need to stay away from gluten foods. This can be difficult as you have to say no to bagels, cookies, cake, and cereals. You need to read food labels carefully to detect if there is any wheat or gluten by products in the food.

Your doctor and a nutritional consultant can help you get started on a gluten free diet. A gluten free diet will kick your gluten allergy out the door in no time.

Iodine Allergy

Have you had surgery recently and had a reaction to the iodine used imaging tests? What exactly is an iodine allergy? If you have an allergy to iodine does that mean you also have a seafood allergy because seafood usually contains iodine? These are pressing questions about iodine that will be answered in this article.

What are symptoms of an iodine allergy? An iodine allergy presents similar symptoms to other allergies. Symptoms of an iodine allergy include digestion track issues such as gas, bloating, and diarrhea plus skin conditions such as hives and eczema. In severe cases an individual can go into anaphylactic shock. Their face may swell and their airways will close.

If an individual goes into anaphylactic shock it is critical that you give them an epinephrine shot. If you or someone you know is deathly allergic to an allergen then they should carry an epinephrine shot with them at all times. An epinephrine shot can mean the difference between life and death.

When is iodine used? Iodine is a substance used during x-rays and imaging tests for surgery. Before surgery you should be asked if you have a known iodine allergy. Iodine is also present in certain foods such as seafood.

Most people have the right balance of iodine in their bodies. However, in poor, third world countries many people suffer from an iodine deficiency. This deficiency can lead to a lower mental capacity.

If you have an iodine allergy does that mean you also have a seafood allergy? The answer is no, not necessarily. Seafood contains iodine, but if you have an iodine allergy from surgery it doesn’t necessarily mean you have a seafood allergy. Why? The allergies to seafood arise from certain proteins in the seafood. Therefore, a seafood allergy is different from an iodine allergy.

If you have an iodine allergy you might be concerned that you are allergic to iodized salt as well. This is not the case. Iodine occurs naturally and the iodized salt should not pose an allergy problem. Feel free to add iodized salt to your fries without worrying.

If you do have a known iodine allergy, make sure to tell your Radiologist the next time you have surgery. They can substitute a different substance for iodine when they take x-rays.

Nasal Allergy

You are out mowing your lawn and your noses itches and runs. Or you are taking a walk in the park and you can’t seem to stop sneezing. You reach for Kleenex after Kleenex, but to no success. Your nasal passages have become stuffed up with mucus and you feel like your head is going to explode.

Do you have a cold? Do you have a nasal allergy? You wonder which one is the case so you can best treat your symptoms. Common symptoms of a nasal allergy include itching and redness of your nose. Do your eyes itch as well? Itching is a classic sign that you have a nasal allergy as opposed to a cold.

Do you sneeze more when you step outside? Maybe you are mowing your lawn and pieces of loose grass fly up in your face. Does this cause you to sneeze? If so, then you most likely have a nasal allergy. Also examine your skin. Has the area around your nose turned red from rubbing? Are their red blotches on your face, neck, or body? These are symptoms of an allergy.

Nasal allergies can occur at anytime of the year and be affected by many different sources. For example, many nasal allergy sufferers have hay fever. Hay fever shows its ugly face in the fall and spring. Pollen in the air increases at these times of the year.

Pollen is a yellow compound that rubs off foliage and sticks to just about anything in its path. A nasal allergy to pollen can be a frustrating thing. It is hard to avoid pollen. However, many weather reports provide the pollen intensity level for the day. You can minimize your nasal allergies by staying inside on days when the pollen level is high.

Other treatment options for a nasal allergy include taking a shower or bath before you go to bed at night. Pollen and other allergens tend to collect on your hair and skin when you are outside. Washing them away before you go to bed will help ward off any night time nasal allergies.

You can also use an allergy medicine that contains antihistamines. Histamines are your body’s reaction to allergens so antihistamines can bring your immune system back into control. Antihistamines have been known to cause drowsiness so be conscious of this when taking them. Your doctor can also prescribe a non-drowsy daily allergy medication as well.

Nickel Allergy

It is time for a night out on the town. You put on your little black dress, heels, and jewelry. Your jewelry is not the most expensive. In fact it could be considered costume jewelry. You enjoyed a delicious dinner and fun dancing with friends.

The night was so much fun until you arrived home to find that your skin had broken out into red, itchy bumps. Upon further inspection you notice that the most deeply affected areas are the areas of skin around your costume jewelry. What’s going on?

The red, itchy bumps may be a nickel allergy. Nickel allergies are common and can surface as a minor rash or flew blown skin diseases like eczema. A nickel allergy can be bothersome, but can be managed. It is important to understand the root of your nickel allergy. Once you figure out what is causing your nickel allergy then you can help to minimize its effects.

What are the common causes of a nickel allergy? A nickel allergy is can derive from exposure to nickel plated items such as jewelry. If you have prolonged contact with nickel plated jewelry a nickel allergy can poke its head out by making your skin feel red and itchy. This type of nickel allergy causes contact dermatitis or a more severe skin disease such as eczema.

A nickel allergy can also be caused by the foods you ingest. Do you like to eat chocolate? Who doesn’t? Chocolate has a high amount of nickel. This high amount of nickel can prompt a nickel allergy. Other foods that include high amounts of nickel and can cause a nickel allergy are canned fruits and vegetables. Salmon and nuts also contain a high amount of nickel and have been known to cause a nickel allergy.

The best way to minimize the effects of your nickel allergy is to avoid foods that contain nickel. Also avoid nickel plated jewelry. You can find jewelry that is plated with a hypoallergenic material such as gold plated instead. Avoid the temptation to engage in body piercing. Body piercing allows nickel to easily enter your system.

Limit the exposure to nickel and your nickel allergy should subside. If your nickel allergy is persistent then consult your doctor for further treatment.

Nut Allergy

It is the first day of school. A class of thirty fourth grade students piles into the lunchroom starving for lunch. Some students wait in the hot lunch line for the tasty cafeteria lunch of the day while others have brought their lunch. There is a new girl to the school that sits timidly with a group of her classmates.

One of her classmates ruffles through her lunch bag to find her peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She starts to eat the sandwich and the new girl smells the peanut butter. The new girl begins to feel sick and goes into a state of shock. The teacher runs over and realizes that the new student is experiencing an extreme allergic reaction.

Sound farfetched? This is a true story. The teacher explains to the other students that the new student has a severe nut allergy. A nut allergy can be caused vary in intensity from one individual to another. This student had a severe nut allergy that surfaces by just the smell of nuts or in this case peanut butter.

A nut allergy is not something to deal with lightly. The teacher had to immediately give the student an epinephrine shot to quell the allergic reaction to the nut allergy. The intensity of a nut allergy can range from small skin reactions to full blown shock.

A severe nut allergy can cause the throat to constrict and the individual can’t breathe. It is as if their whole body swells in reaction to the nut allergy. Since a nut allergy can be fatal it is important to follow safety precautions if you know that you have a nut allergy.

Safety precautions include not ingesting anything that has nuts in it. This is an obvious safety precaution for a nut allergy. However, it can be tricky when nuts are hidden in different foods. It is important to read the ingredients to check whether the food contains any nuts of nut related elements. Many food packagers will place warnings on their labels stating whether the food item contains nuts or nut by products.

If you suffer from a severe not allergy or even if it is mild, it is a good idea to carry epinephrine shot around with you at all times. Epinephrine shots are used when someone has a severe allergic reaction. They can literally save someone’s life by opening their airways.

The new student in the lunchroom recovers. However, from now on the rest of her classmates know how to deal with her nut allergy.

Pet Allergy

You are in the market for a new pet. You are deciding between a cat and a dog. Which one should you choose? Plus, which breed should you choose? These questions need to be researched in order to find the best pet for your home. Most soon to be pet owners only consider whether the activity level and appearance of their pet. However, the major consideration that they should think about has to do with pet allergies.

Having a pet allergy can be a frustrating and uncomfortable condition. It is important to determine whether anyone in the household has a pet allergy. What are signs of a pet allergy? Common signs are sneezing and wheezing when a pet is present. Skin dermatitis and itching is also a sign of a pet allergy.

Swelling of the eye and skin is also the side effect of a pet allergy. For example, some people have been known to pet a long haired cat and then suffer from a bulging, weeping, red eye. In this case it is most likely that they have a pet allergy to pet dander. The dander on the cat was transferred to their hand when they were petting the cat. They then rubbed their eyes with the pet dander infested fingers.

Another example of a pet allergy is contact with pet saliva. Certain breeds have saliva that has been known to cause contact dermatitis. For example, when pet saliva comes in contact with the skin it can cause hives. This is an allergic reaction that can be calmed by antihistamines. However, a severe pet allergy is another story. The use of an epinephrine shot may be necessary.

A pet allergy can be affected by the breed of dog or cat. Some dog breeds do not shed and have been shown to be “hypoallergenic”. While other dog breeds can wreak havoc on individuals with even the slightest pet allergy. Therefore, it is important to take a pet allergy into consideration before finding a pet.

Consult your veterinarian and breeder to find out which breeds are best for your situation. Everyone in your household will thank you if you take the time to minimize the effects of a pet allergy. It will a more comfortable and positive situation for both pets and pet owners.

Shellfish Allergy

Do you enjoy eating seafood? Many people love to eat seafood, but some have an allergy to shellfish. This shellfish allergy issues is serious business and should not be taken lightly. Even the slightest amount of shellfish or shellfish oils can prompt a shellfish allergy reaction.

What types of food have been found to cause a shellfish allergy? Shellfish include: abalone, clams, crab, crawfish, crayfish, lobster, oysters, scallops, shrimp, cockle, sea urchin, and mussels. Any or all of these shellfish can cause a shellfish allergy. This shellfish allergy is widespread among adults.

How can you tell if you have a shellfish allergy? Common symptoms of a shellfish allergy include wheezing, constricting of throat, and swelling of the face and air passages. This can lead to anaphylactic shock. When this occurs you need to use an epinephrine shot to stop the attack.

What can a person with a shellfish allergy do to avoid allergy attacks? The number one way to avoid another allergy attack is to avoid shellfish altogether. This is most easily achieved at home when you control exactly what you eat and how you cook it. However, you need to be more careful when dinning out. Verify that there are no shellfish ingredients or that the meal is being cooked in shellfish oils.

What shellfish causes the most allergies? Shrimp is the number culprit when it comes to shellfish allergies. Be careful when eating fried foods as well because the oil may have shellfish parts in it. Also be weary of eating food that has been prepared in the same dish or touches the shellfish on a plate.

It is better to be safe then sorry, so look for even the slightest shellfish contamination. Avoid using the same cutting board for shellfish and other foods. Shellfish oils can seep into the cutting board and cross contaminate any other foods that are prepared on that cutting board.

An interesting thing to note about shellfish allergy is that some people have a slight allergy while other allergies can be deadly. For example, one individual may have a minor skin rash when consuming shellfish while another can become disoriented and go into anaphylactic shock. An allergic reaction to shellfish can be avoided if the proper precautions are taken.

Skin Allergy

Do you have patches of tough, itchy red skin? Does the skin become thick, crack, and even weep fluid? These are all symptoms of a skin allergy. A skin allergy can have several causes. It is essential to find the cause of your skin allergy so you can treat it properly.

What are common skin allergies? One common skin allergy is contact dermatitis. This type of skin allergy involves the reaction of your skin when it comes in contact with certain fabrics and materials.

For example, your skin may become itchy and inflamed when you wear wool fabrics or costume jewelry that contains nickel. This type of skin allergy can be relieved by removing the fabrics from your wardrobe that make your skin break out. You can find clothes with more hypoallergenic fabrics such as cotton.

A skin allergy can also stem from the detergent you use to wash your clothes. Some detergents contain chemicals that adversely react to your skin. If you suspect that your detergent may to be blame then try a gentle, hypoallergenic detergent such as Dreft detergent.

Skin allergies can also be the result of skin irritants. Skin irritants are found in products such as household cleaners. Does your skin become blotchy when you clean the bathtub? The harsh chemicals in the cleaners cause your body to react. You can try a gentler cleaner or wear protective clothing such as gloves.

Another skin allergy is an overreaction to insect bites. Insect bites are itchy and scratching makes them much worse. Some individuals have been known to break out into allergic hives in reaction to insect bites. This skin allergy can be relieved with hydrocortisone and Benadryl creams.

The extent of your skin allergy plays a role in your treatment options. Minor skin irritations and skin allergies can be soothed through hydrocortisone creams and ointments. However, you may have a severe skin allergy that results in eczema or psoriasis. Consult your Dermatologist for treatment of these skin conditions.

A skin allergy can come in many forms. There are treatment options available at your local drug store and through your doctor. Don’t suffer any longer with a skin allergy. You can find treatments quickly and affordable at your local pharmacy.

Soy Allergy

You are trying to provide your infant with a healthy diet. You buy soy products because you have heard many sources tout the benefit of soy and soy products. You feed your infant soy cheese and other soy products, but you notice something quite distressing. Your infant has experienced gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, vomiting, and also baby acne.

You realize that these effects started when soy and soy products were introduced into your baby’s diet. If this is true then you infant most likely suffers from a soy allergy. Soy allergy is usually found in infants with the median age of three months for the outset of a soy allergy.

What are other symptoms of a soy allergy? As with an allergy there are a range of symptoms that can include: bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, acne, skin conditions, facial swelling, shortness of breath, trouble swallowing, irritability, atopic dermatitis, rhinitis, and asthma.

What types of soy products can cause this allergy? Any product or even an item that was cooked with soy products can pose a problem. In general the following soy products are possible prompts of a soy allergy: soy, soy protein, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, natto, okara, miso, soy cheese, soy sauces, soy protein, soy flours, soy nuts, soy grits, soy oil, yuba, soy beverages, tempeh, and tofu products.

It is important to note the food or other items made with soy products can cause a soy allergy. Avoid lecithin. Be wary of many products such as cosmetics, inks, and soaps. They may have been created using soy meal and soy oil. Since this production process can pose a threat to a soy allergy, it is crucial to know the composition of each item. Read labels carefully.

Are all soy products the same as far as the intensity of a soy allergy? Not necessarily, some soy products cause a soy allergy more frequently then others. For example, soybeans have been known to cause the strongest soy allergy. While fermented soy products cause a less potent soy allergy.

There is good news even if your infant experiences a soy allergy. The good news is that they will most likely outgrow this soy allergy by their second birthday. However, this does not always occur and the consumption of soy and soy products should be monitored carefully.

Yeast Allergy

Do you feel fatigued most of the time? Do your muscles ache even after light exercise? Do you crave sugary foods and carbohydrates such as bagels and candy? If you answered yes to these questions then might have a yeast allergy. These questions are broad in nature and could cover a variety of conditions. Therefore, it is a good idea to understand more about the elements of a yeast allergy.

Symptoms of a yeast allergy can be general in nature and mimic the symptoms of a host of other conditions. Symptoms of a yeast allergy can include the following: constipation, diarrhea, irritability, fatigue, depression, abdominal bloating, anxiety, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, weight gain, and muscle and joint pain.

In addition, a yeast allergy might have the following symptoms: psoriasis, hives, cravings for bread and alcohol, menstrual problems, respiratory problems, ear issues, infertility, impotence, bladder infections, and a general achy feeling.

As you can see, a yeast allergy can have a long list of symptoms. Many of these symptoms are signs of other conditions. It is vital to consult your doctor for a proper diagnose of your condition. It may be a yeast allergy or a more serious problem such as multiple sclerosis.

What does it mean to have a yeast allergy? When you have a yeast allergy it means that the fungus Candida Albicans has grown too much in your body. When there is too much of this fungus it attacks healthy skin and mucous membranes. This can cause many of the above name symptoms to wreak havoc in your daily life.

What causes a yeast allergy? There are several possible causes of a yeast allergy. The usual suspects include the use of antibiotics, birth control pills, and steroids. These medicines have the unwanted effect of killing the “good” germs. When the “good” germs are eliminated, the bad yeast germs move in and multiply.

This build up of yeast germs starts the cycle of negative physical and mental symptoms. A yeast allergy can have an unwanted effect on your life. Consult your family physician for further guidance and treatment. Your family doctor can figure out the best course of treatment for your condition.

Allergy Asthma

Is an inhaler for asthma part of your daily routine? Does your asthma flare up when you eat certain foods or enter environments filled with pollen? Asthma is condition that can be affected by allergies. Allergy asthma affects many from young children through adults.

How do allergies play a role in your asthma? Allergic reactions can show up as skin, intestinal, and respiratory conditions. Allergy asthma is when your respiratory system does not function properly. Allergens in the environment can be to blame.

For example, pollen can cause your immune system to believe that it is being attacked by a harmful substance. Your body may react by producing histamines such as runny nose, sneezing, and wheezing. This can lead to allergy asthma.

There are a few things you can do to control your allergy asthma. Try to avoid environments such as grassy fields and parks when the pollen count is high. You can consult your local weather reports for this information. Wash your clothing and hair when you return from pollen and allergen infested environment as well.

Your home environment can also pose threats to your allergy asthma. If air is not circulating properly, your home could contain more allergens than the outside. You may have dust, mold, and bacteria in your house. All of these can cause allergic reactions which will prompt your allergy asthma.

Supply yourself with the cleanest household air possible by using an air purifier. An air purifier can filter out the harmful dust, pollen, mold, and other irritants from your air. Air purifiers are affordable and worth the investment.

Asthma medications can help to alleviate any asthma attacks. Talk with your doctor about the right asthma treatment for you. They may also suggest further things you can do to make your environment allergy asthma friendly.

Allergy asthma sufferers are not alone. There is a vast array of websites you can check out on the Internet regarding allergy asthma. You can find valuable information as well as support groups and foundations. Making a connection with other allergy asthma sufferers can help you to cope with the everyday issues you will face against this condition.

Allergy Headaches

It is fall and the pollen count is high. You go out for your morning jog only to return home with a runny nose, itchy eyes, and piercing headache. Do you have a cold? Or are you suffering from seasonal allergies? The itching nose and eyes are the big tip off that you are most likely experiencing allergies.

You blow your nose and sit on the couch wondering what medicine to take for your allergies. Sneezing and sinus congestion can give way to allergy headaches. Allergy headaches can be debilitating so it is imperative to find an allergy medicine that will alleviate your headache.

Allergy headaches can grow from congestion as well as irritation from blowing your nose too hard and too often. Your sinus passages can become inflamed. Therefore, when dealing with allergies that include allergy headaches it is best to find a medicine or combination of medicines that covers all your aches and pains.

Benadryl allergy medication works for most allergies. Benadryl allergy contains antihistamines that fight against an allergic reaction. Benadryl is a very effective allergy medication; however it not always completes the job. Sometimes it is necessary to employ the use of allergy medicine that also contains a decongestant.

Look for medications that “sinus and allergy”. The allergy component provides the antihistamine action while the sinus component helps relieve congestion. When you relieve congestion your sinus passages won’t become as inflamed. When inflammation subsides, your allergy headaches should as well.

You can also calm an allergy headache by removing allergens from your living space. Make sure that you wash your bedding in hot water and use hypoallergenic allergy bedding. This will help to decrease the number of dust mites that can cause allergies.

In addition, make sure that your allergy headache is not due to a food allergy. If you can pinpoint a food allergy as the allergy offender, then remove this food from your diet. Essentially you want to reduce the number of allergens that could play a role in your allergies.

If you allergy headaches are extreme and do not respond to over the counter medicines then the next step is to consult your doctor. They can prescribe medicines and treatments that may take of allergy headaches altogether.

Allergy Test

Have you tried everything you can think of to control your allergies? Do you load up on Benadryl only to become drowsy and have the allergy reappear when the Benadryl wears off? Have you tried over the counter hydrocortisone and Benadryl creams for itchy skin, but it doesn’t seem to help? Perhaps you have tried these steps and sought your doctor for more help.

Your doctor may then have put you on prescription allergy medicines that tackle a wide range of allergens. You had some respite from your allergies, but not to the level you desire. You are frustrated that your nose is always running and your eyes are itching. What can you do to solve this problem? Ask your doctor for an allergy test.

An allergy test can be administered by a doctor or Allergist. The purpose of an allergy test is to determine what factors are the root causes of your allergies. Do you have an allergy to mold? Do you have a food allergy? An allergy test can help determine this.

What types of allergy tests do doctors and Allergists use? Common allergy tests are skin and blood tests. The purpose of an allergy test on the skin is to find if one or more of the following is the allergen offender: weeds, grasses, dust, dust mites, foods, medications, fungus, and insect venom. There are different skin allergy tests.

One skin allergy test is the skin prick test. This test involves placing a drop of an allergen solution on the skin. Then the skin is pricked with a needle so the allergen solution can seep into the skin. An allergy is present to that allergen if the skin becomes itchy, red, and inflamed. A deeper skin test can also be done by injecting the allergen into the skin and observing the skin’s reaction.

Another skin allergy test has to do with contact dermatitis. A solution containing an allergen is dropped onto a pad. The pad is placed against the skin for two days. If the skin becomes itchy, red, and inflamed then the person has an allergy to that substance. This is known as a skin patch test.

Your doctor or allergist can also administer a blood test to determine whether you have certain allergies. These allergy tests, along with an assessment of symptoms, can pinpoint the specific allergen. You can then remove or avoid this allergen in the future.

Allergy Doctor

Are you plagued with an unyielding runny nose accompanied by several sneezing spells? Does your stomach hurt after meals, but you can’t pinpoint which food caused the stomach upset? Do you suffer from seasonal allergies when the pollen count is high? If these types of allergies problems are found in your life then you might consider seeing an allergy doctor.

You can try to treat your symptoms with over the counter allergy medications. While these medications may alleviate general symptoms they may not give you full relief form allergies. This situation would be a good time to see an allergy doctor or Allergist to help you to get one a more aggressive track to conquering your allergies.

Where do I find an allergy doctor or Allergist? You can ask your family doctor to refer you to an allergy doctor. You can find doctors specializing in allergies in the phone book and hospital physician finder websites. Check to see if you have any allergy clinics in your town.

An allergy doctor can help you to determine the prominent cause of your allergies. They can administer a series of allergy tests. First, they can work through skin prick tests to see if you are allergic to specific allergens. They can also try a skin patch test to find out if you suffer from contact dermatitis.

An allergy doctor can do a more invasive skin test that involves an injection of an allergen into your skin. This can be painful at times, but may be well worth the effort. An allergy doctor can also run blood test to figure out if your body has any reaction to specific allergens.

An allergy doctor will also take a physical health history and assessment of your symptoms when making a diagnosis. Once they diagnose your allergy the allergy doctor can prescribe allergy medications to lessen your allergy symptoms.

An allergy doctor will also detail things you can do in your home to make your household friendlier for allergy sufferers. They may recommend installing a filter and using allergy bedding to reduce dust mite infestation.

Call your family doctor today for a referral to a respected allergy doctor. The sooner you do this, the sooner you can be free from allergy worries and hassles.

Allergy Medicine

Allergies affect a majority of the population. Allergies come in many forms from skin allergies such as hives to nasal allergies. There are a multitude of allergy medicines available on the market today that can relieve allergy symptoms. Allergy medicine can be a welcome present to many allergy sufferers.

What types of allergy medicine is available? There are allergy medicines that cover several different types of allergies. Each allergy medicine targets the histamines and allergic reactions in your body to alleviate symptoms. Allergy medicine can alleviate skin, respiratory and digestive track symptoms.

Skin allergies can range from itchy bumps to eczema and psoriasis. A typical allergy medicine regime for these symptoms include over the counter hydrocortisone and Benadryl creams. Your doctor can also prescribe stronger creams, ointments, and emollients to control your allergic skin reactions. Pills containing antihistamines can also ease allergic symptoms.

Respiratory symptoms include sneezing, wheezing, and coughing. Sneezing occurs in several allergic situations including hay fever and nasal allergies. Sneezing can be caused by pollen and other allergens in your environment. This persistent allergy can be managed with over the counter allergy medications such as Benadryl and Claritin. Your doctor can prescribe stronger medications as well.

Digestive track allergy symptoms often occur from a food allergy. Common food allergies include dairy, nuts, and shellfish. Remove these foods from your plate to avoid allergic reactions. If you want to consume dairy, but are allergic to it, you can take an allergy medicine that contains lactase. This aids in digestion.

If you have severe allergies you can see your doctor for allergy shots. Allergy shots are a last resort. You must endure allergy testing before you can engage in allergy shots treatment. It is necessary to see your doctor for this type of allergy treatment.

Allergies can be burdensome, but the good news is that there are plenty of allergy medications available to soothe allergy symptoms. Each day more and more allergy medications hit the market. Take advantage of these advances in medicine and relieve your allergy symptoms as soon as possible. You won’t have to worry about grabbing another tissue nearly as much as you did in the past.

Allergy Relief

Chronic allergies can put a damper on many activities that you do every day. They can leave you tired and fatigued. Your eyes, nose, and skin can itch like crazy. You sniffle and sneeze the moment you step outside to a freshly mowed lawn. Your eyes tear and swell as you pet your neighbor’s cat.

What can you do about your allergies? What allergy relief is available? Where can you find the much needed allergy relief? The wonderful news is that there are several allergy relief medications available today and more to come in the future. You can purchase over the counter allergy relief medications or have your doctor prescribe stronger allergy relief medications.

Over the counter allergy relief medications should be your first line of defense when allergies start to bother you. If you have an acute reaction to certain environmental triggers, irritants, or foods, you can use Benadryl for allergy relief. Benadryl is an antihistamine that blocks the unwanted histamines. These histamines are your body’s reaction to the perceived harmful substance or allergen.

Benadryl works well for allergy relief, but can have severe drowsiness side effects. Therefore, do not operate heavy machinery and be careful when driving after you take Benadryl. Make sure to read the Benadryl warnings and dosage information carefully before taking this allergy relief medication.

Another over the counter allergy relief pill is Claritin and Claritin-D. Claritin used to just be a prescription medication. This allergy relief pill can ward off a range of allergies from ragweed and pollen allergies to dust and dander allergies. It also has the benefit of coming in a non-drowsy formula.

If you suffer from nasal allergies you can also find allergy relief from nasal sprays. There are several nasal spray options available and your local pharmacy. Consult the pharmacist to determine which nasal spray is best for you. Your doctor can also prescribe Flonase which is a nasal allergy relief spray.

Allergy relief is not farther away then heading to your local pharmacy or supermarket. Some pharmacies a huge section devoted to allergy relief medications. It may take some trial and error to determine which allergy relief medication works best for you. However, you will eventually find the much needed allergy relief you desire.

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