The Source of Rabies Virus Prompt treatment with rabies vaccine is the only effective means to prevent the death of a person who has been bitten by a rabid animal. The collective immunization of domestic animals and availability of care facilities prepared for successful treatment in humans in case of accidents are the surest ways […]
Milk and Cereal for Insomnia
Milk and Cereal for Insomnia
Insomnia is a common problem in our days, where the rush and stress dominate our daily lives. A proper diet can help you sleep better. Serotonin is involved in regulating sleep, appetite and mood. Tryptophan is also a precursor of niacin (also called nicotinic acid, which is a water soluble vitamin B group). But though […]
Alcoholism, Biomedical Factors of Addiction
Alcoholism, Biomedical Factors of Addiction
Advances in the field of alcoholism in recent years were of vital importance for the understanding of evil, which can be treated but still no cure. Two main factors associated with the predisposition of compulsive consumption of alcohol: the environment and genetics. Recent discoveries have revealed that it is on the long arm of chromosome […]
Lip Cosmetic Surgery
Lip Cosmetic Surgery
For about 15 years, have artificial lips has become fashionable due to two main causes have thin lips, or because with age oucrre retraction of the gums and lips then turn inward. According to the surgeon “unfortunately, for many years the materials used are not reabsorbed, so hardened and entrenched.” If these materials are hardened […]
Prone to Accidents According to the tenth revision International statistical classification of diseases and health related problems (ICD-10), in its section on the disorders caused by drug use and psychoactive substances, episodic alcoholism is grouped within the category conditions with dependency syndrome. In other words, dipsomania differs from occasional drunkenness (intoxication) and the harmful use […]
What causes childhood obesity?
What causes childhood obesity?
In recent decades, obesity has reached epidemic proportions, worldwide and in all age groups. Childhood obesity is now considered the most common nutritional disorder in childhood. In 1998, the World Health Organization has declared childhood obesity a “global epidemic” where more than 22 million children under the age of 5 years old are overweight or […]